Thursday, June 6, 2019

What Is SEO / Search Engine Optimization?

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What is SEO?

SEO means Search Engine Optimization, which is the practice of increasing the amount and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results.

What happens in SEO?

To understand the true meaning of SEO, let's analyze that definition and see the parts:
• Traffic quality. You can attract all the visitors in the world, but if they're coming to your site because Google tells them you're a resource for Apple computers when you're really a farmer who sells apples, that's not quality traffic. Instead, you want to attract visitors who are really interested in the products you offer.
• Amount of traffic. Once there are people clicking on search engine result pages (SERPs), the better the traffic will be.
• Organic results. Ads are a significant part of many SERPs. Organic traffic is any traffic that you do not have to pay for.

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How SEO works
You can think of a search engine as a website you visit write (or speak) a question in a box and Google, Yahoo!, Bing, or any search engine you are using magically responds with a long list of links to pages web that could potentially answer your question.

It is true. But have you ever stopped to consider what is behind those magic lists of links?

Here's how it works: Google (or any search engine you're using) has a crawler that goes out and collects information about all the content you can find on the Internet. The crawlers return all those 1s and 0s to the search engine to build an index. That index is then fed through an algorithm that tries to match all these data with your query.

That's all SE(search engine) SEO.
The O part of SEO (optimization) is where the people who write all that content and put it on their sites guess that the content and those sites increase so that the search engines can understand what they are seeing, and the users that arrive. Through the search, they will like what they see.

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Credit: MOZ

Optimization can take many forms. It's everything, from making sure the title tags and meta descriptions are informative and have the correct length to pointing out the internal links on the pages that you are proud of.

Learning SEO

This section of our site is here to help you learn everything you want about SEO. If you are completely new to the subject, start from the beginning and read the SEO Beginner's Guide. If you need advice on a specific topic, delve into the place that suits you best.
Here is a general description:

Building a friendly site for SEO

Once you're ready to start walking, the time of SEO, it's time to apply those SEO techniques to a site, whether it's improving or new or old.
These pages will help you get started with everything from the selection of an SEO-compatible domain name to the best practices for internal links.

Content and related marking

A web site} isn't extremely a site till you've got content. But SEO for content has enough specific variables that we have given it its own section. Start here if you are curious about keyword research, how to write a copy of SEO and the type of brand that helps search engines understand what your content is really about.

Topics on the site

You have already learned a lot about the topics on the site by delving into the content and related marking. Now is the time to get technical information about robots.txt.

Topics related to links

Delve into everything you've ever needed to know about the links from the anchor text to the redirect. Read this series of pages to understand how and when to use nofollow and if guest blogs are really dead. If you like more link building (work to improve the rankings of your site by gaining links), go directly to the Beginner's Guide to link building.

Another optimization

Congratulations! He has mastered the ins and outs of daily SEO and is now ready for some advanced topics. Make sure that all traffic has the easiest conversion time possible with the conversion rate optimization (CRO), then go to the micro level with local SEO or take that global site with international SEO.

The evolution of SEO.

Search engine algorithms amendment frequently and SEO ways evolve in response to those changes. So, if someone is offering you SEO advice that does not feel quite right, check the specific topic page.

Final words
Share this article with your friends and help to know about "What is SEO?". If you have any questions in this article let us know in the comment section down below. Like our page on all social media and help us to reach more people. Thanks a lot for reading. Cheers 🙂.

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