Well, you just started your new blog or website really great and wait for the visitors.
But they do not come.
Your friends and family have already seen it (which was a pleasant and warm increase in the first days or weeks), but now the situation seems tragic.
You're not alone. We have recently analyzed 690,000 new websites and found that 86.7% of them have less than 10 visitors per day.
And although we really do not want you to feel worse, we have to tell you that it will not change over time. I mean, he will. It will get worse.
let's face the problem
Making the link between your content and your readers is the most difficult part of launching a new website or blog these days. We have conducted a survey asking for the biggest challenges for new website owners and 56% of them said they get the biggest challenge for visitors.
Just to show you the magnitude of this problem, the challenge of the second place was to create content with only 14% of the votes, while the third place was the technical challenge of making the site itself with twelve-tone music of the votes.
Visiting online is becoming extremely difficult these days and now most bloggers say you should apply the 20-80 rule, which means that you should spend approximately 20% of your time creating your content and 80% promoting it.
The inevitable change of mentality.
First of all, you have to see that it will not change without hard work. Many people dream of launching a website that goes viral in some way but almost has the same chance of winning the lottery.
You will have to work hard to change those numbers and it will not be easy at all. You will find thousands of online publications that will tell you that it is easy, but let's be honest, who would click on an article that says "Get 100 visitors a day with blood, sweat, and tears"?
No, people will always click on the articles "This is how my blog went viral in 7 days and you can do it too". That's why all the headlines on the first page of Google are like that.
So, how can you get more visitors?
In addition to being very lucky, you will have to work for your visitors. The bad news is that it takes time and effort. The good news: these efforts will accumulate over time.
If you only take one small step each day, put a link here and there, tweaking your site, getting your hands dirty, it will give you results and can easily trigger a snowball effect. Getting more visitors will bring you even more visitors that will attract even more visitors as a chain reaction.
But you have to start somewhere. As in business, getting your first million is the hardest thing, similarly, getting your first 10,000 visitors is the hardest thing.
So we have created a list that can help you achieve your goals.
18 Genuine to get traffic on your website
You have probably already searched for the term "how to get more visitors" and you have found countless "definitive guides" and "43 main ideas" and "101 ways in which they still work in the 2018 publications". With concepts like "Go to public television" and "Interview five powerful people" and "Create a podcast."
Well, there could also be a reason why you begin a blog and not a Youtube channel. You may not want to see yourself on the screen, or maybe your English is not good enough to do it. If you are in India, Turkey, Morocco or Brazil, most of these tips are quite useless.
We have created a list that focuses on the most effective ways that still work and we will get the visibility of your blog or website in the ocean of blogs and websites.
1. Go social!
This should be the first step right after creating your site. Make it shareable on social networks! There is simply no reason not to do it. If you are using WordPress, you have many options, see our article on the 11 essential WordPress plugins for more inspiration.
It only takes 5 minutes to download and configure Social Pug, for example, and voila, your site is immediately attached to the most basic social networking platforms.
Just imagine that your first visitor likes your first post. Can he or she share it on Facebook? Have you given your 900 friends the opportunity to see, read and share your article? Do not lose this opportunity!
2. Collect subscribers.
Although I think the importance of having subscribers will decrease in the future (since Gmail has just started to filter newsletters from people's inboxes, which is a pretty nasty move, I mean they subscribed to get your content and updates, and you can cancel your subscription at any time, then, why separate them from what you have to offer?), but anyway, you must make it possible for people who like your site to subscribe.
Again, if you are using WordPress, you can download and configure a relevant add-on (such as the newsletter add-on) in almost no time. In just 10 minutes you can have a complete system to subscribe, cancel the subscription, send newsletters, see statistics, etc.
It's great, do not give the chance to lose even a person who is interested in what he has to say in the future. Even if they mark you as a favorite, how often do you visit your bookmarks? I think you have it.
3. Advertising
I know it costs money, but in reality, there are two good reasons why I recommend that you advertise your site (on Google, Bing, Facebook or any other platform).
First, because you can have more visitors of course. Is it worth paying for visitors in this way? I think unless you run a very serious affiliate site, the answer is no. Each click will cost between a few cents and a dollar or more, but this money is wasted most of the time.
But! When you run your first advertising campaign you will be illuminated. As soon as you create your first ads, choose the keywords of your ad and write the text of your ad, you will see why your site will fail and how it could be successful. Is it worth paying, say $ 25- $ 100 for this experience? I really think it's worth it.
Once you have finished your first advertising campaign, you will never operate your site as you have done before.
4. Choose your niche and topics wisely
You may think that this part is over, but (especially if you have run an advertising campaign and see where your site is failing) you can still and should adjust what you have to offer your readers. If you have a small blog about "Audio and multimedia for the car", you can still adjust it and be more specific, such as "Stereo main units of the Android car for Audi A6". If you have a blog about "Recipes", you can quickly turn it into "Vegetarian Italian Pasta Recipes". At first it may seem that you have just excluded a large part of your audience, but in reality, it has just made your blog more unique and visible on the Internet.
Check out How to Pickprofitable Niche for yor Website
5. Write good content
As they say, content is king. Most of the time, writing content is very difficult, but it has several benefits that you can not ignore.
As soon as you start publishing articles, you will see that even if someone finds them, they will spend only 5 to 8 seconds "reading". If your content is not interesting, compelling, intriguing enough to capture the attention of your readers, they will simply leave and, in general, do it very quickly.
Therefore, its content must be informative, relevant and useful for the audience to which it is addressed.
If your content is poor, people will simply leave your site and never return. But if they find your content interesting, they are much more likely to share it, mark it or read more articles on your site, which will improve your ranking in the search engines, which will bring even more visitors.
6. Understand your audience
The research showed that people have three main motivations when surfing the web. Either they want to solve a problem, find information or have fun. Does your content resonate with any of these three? If not, your site will probably fail badly.
Your site should be useful for other people, helping them solve their problems, helping them find the information they are looking for or helping them feel good.
Then, going back to our simple previous examples, you can start a website about "how to install the new audio of your car" to solve a problem, "what are the best car audios that exist" to provide information or "the funniest moments" / more terrifying ever recorded by a cams board "to make it fun.
And it's really the same with each topic, you should sit down and think about it: why would people want to visit (and revisit) their site from time to time? If there is not a good reason, you must work to find one.
7. Caring for SEO
SEO is a very broad topic and we will discuss it in another article. But in short: you should worry about the basics and SEO trends. 10 or 20 years ago, I could only write a decent article and get tons of attention because there was no real competition in those days. But times have changed.
Currently, many types of research have been conducted on this subject and you can not ignore its findings.
In short: your articles will receive much more attention if they are long (2000 words at least), well organized if you have in mind some keywords that you use intelligently in the text and headings. It must operate with many images, graphics, infographics, it must be readable with several headings, paragraphs.
8. Discuss in forums or posts
I think it will never go out of style. Find forums that are relevant to your niche or site and place valuable comments that are truly useful for those who read it. Simply sending spam to any forum is not very useful, believe me, nobody will click on a spam link, they will simply ban it in no time. But adding valuable information can spark interest in what you have, and people will click on a link that is prudently placed with some kind of smart bait to click on.
Commenting on a good publication can also be useful as long as you really have something to add besides your link. If your comment is good enough, the website owners will leave your link, but if you shout "I am a spam email", they will simply delete it, it is very easy to remove the links.
9. Answer questions on sites like Quora
It is very overused these days and each new owner of the site simply rushes to answer Quora's questions because Quora is mentioned on almost every list like this. But it is for a reason because it is still effective.
Simply register, it's very easy and opens a couple of questions related to your niche or topics. Based on your profile and search history, Quora will intelligently filter and send new questions daily related to your interest. For this reason, try to avoid using it for personal interests.
Any other similar site is good if your site is related to IT, just go to StackOverflow and help other people. As long as your answers are really useful, you can get the audience best directed to your site.
10. Write guest articles and invite invited bloggers.
You may want to search for sites similar to yours. On the one hand, they are its competitors, but on the other hand, they can become their partners. You can go to strong and authorized blogs and hope that they like your content and post on your site or contact blogs of similar size and request an association.
Always remember, behind most websites, whether small or large, there are real, friendly and nice people who will be willing to help you most of the time. Of course, the same applies here as with the comments, if you have to add something of value, you can simply ask for links.
Once your site has reached a certain level, you can also offer to accept guest articles.
11. Use more images
The use of images is very important for several different reasons.
First of all, your site will look much better. People are very visual and the images will add a lot to the appearance of your website. Check the article about the importance of images and where you can find excellent legal photographs for free.
Second, people often search for images in search engines. If you have the opportunity not only to use but also to create a new image that looks good or is useful to someone, you can also win many visitors in return. Have you ever wanted to buy a certain type of glass or kitchen item whose name was too general to get a quality knock? Then, go to the Google image search and look for the glass that is closest to what you had in mind.
12. Encourage comment
Have you already published a couple of posts or articles? What was the last sentence of those messages? If you are not trying to attract your readers at the end of a publication, you are making a big mistake. Just ask them about their opinions or experiences or ask them to subscribe to your newsletter.
Many times people will respond well and if you are really interested in their opinion, they will spend some time telling you what they had in mind. And it's very beneficial on many different levels, because not only do you have the opportunity to better understand your readers, but they also spend a couple of minutes more on your site (search engines will be registered and added to the authority rank of your site) and you can also come back later to see your answer.
13. Use links
There are two types of links, external and internal, that can add a lot to the value of your site.
The internal links point to your own content. In this article, we have already linked a couple of our other articles that are relevant to this publication. It is a good practice from an SEO point of view (it helps search engines to track your content much faster) and it can also keep visitors on your site and decrease your bounce rate. Google will record that people spend more time in your site and it will give you a better place in the search results.
External links point to other sites. Links to reputable sites can increase the value of your own blog (it is also noticed by search engines), while links to other sites can make you notice it and can generate some kind of association, blogs or offers guests, opportunities.
In addition to this, always make sure to include related articles at the bottom of your publications. If you are using WordPress, simply find a good add-on that will do it for you.
14. Accelerate your site
According to recent studies, most people will simply close your site if it does not load in 3-5 seconds. Especially if you have never visited it. It is possible that they found an article of yours on Google or that it was shared on Facebook, aroused some interest and clicking on the link, but it is too slow to load it. Everyone has a different tolerance level, but you can be sure that every second count and the slower the site loads, the more visitors you will lose.
So try to avoid large images and slow scripts on each of your pages where you expect most of your visitors to land (for example, your home page or promoted items).
In our Site Checker tool we have a link to Google Speed Test, just enter your domain name and our script will create the link for you.
15. Optimize for mobile devices.
If you use WordPress it is automatic, but even so, you may want to check how your site looks on mobile devices and at different resolutions. It is simply amazing how many different devices are used to open your site. Here is a table about the different resolutions that are used when visiting new Blogs:
Even the most used screen resolution is only used once every four visits.
In addition, browsers, operating systems, and devices show the same kind of diversity. Make sure your site looks good or at least acceptable in each different resolution. You can lose visitors if your site looks bad on a mobile screen.
16. Use Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools.
Google has some incredible tools when it comes to analysis and you no longer have to guess the strengths and weaknesses of your site. We have already published a publication about the advantages of these tools and a guide on sending your site, be sure to check it.
But in summary, Google provides excellent statistics and insights about every different aspect of your site. You can check your bounce rate, how much time people spend on your site when they visit, what items they read, from which countries, how your site appears in searches and exactly what searches, what keywords you rate and how it is ranked.
This information is invaluable and you can not afford not to have it.
17. Use catchy headlines and write publications on the list.
As we have already discussed, in basic human nature is that everyone is addicted to the main lists and flashy headlines. Every time you write an article, be sure to give it a title that generates interest. There are a lot of resources on how to do it, but in summary, just make sure your title is not boring.
Just imagine that your post appears on a Google search results page. Do you want to click on it or click on the other 9 results? In general, people simply scan quickly and open two or three of what they consider the best option for their search. Even if your publication is your most impressive and 100% relevant hit, they will never do it if the owner does not sell it.
Also, be sure to install the Yoast SEO plugin and edit and design correctly the fragment of your most important articles. This is how your publication will appear on Google, this small fragment is the "face" of your content and should be good. Otherwise, Google will only choose any line to represent your publication, which may be a success or an error.
18. Publish viral content.
It is very difficult to say why any content would go viral or not, but the question can be asked: would you share this publication if you came across it online? People share many kinds of things but tend to share some items more than others. If your publication is (or seems) high-quality, informative or fun, then you may be willing to share it. And every action is free for you. Not to mention the social proof, since it is shared and commented more and more. So make sure your content is unique and interesting in some way and let people do the work for you.
Final words
Share this article with your friends and help to know about "18 Genuine to get traffic on your website". If you have any questions in this article let us know in the comment section down below. Like our page on all social media and help us to reach more people. Thanks a lot for reading. Cheers 🙂.
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Final words
Share this article with your friends and help to know about "18 Genuine to get traffic on your website". If you have any questions in this article let us know in the comment section down below. Like our page on all social media and help us to reach more people. Thanks a lot for reading. Cheers 🙂.
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